
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) A structured, short-range, cognitive-oriented psychotherapy method developed by A.T. Drake in the 1960s, which mainly targets mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety disorders and psychological problems caused by irrational cognition.It mainly focuses on the unreasonable cognitive problems of patients, and changes the psychological problems by changing the views and attitudes of patients towards themselves, people or things.Cognitive-behavioral therapy based on neural network is a way to achieve cognitive-behavioral therapy by obtaining computer programs through the Internet. The collected data were screened and meta-analyzed through meta-analytic studies and randomized controlled experiments of web-based cognitive behavioral therapy interventions to form applied random-effects models, or fixed-effects models for combined effect sizes. Through the use of online cognitive behavioral therapy to compare the differences between the treatment group and the control group in terms of overall state, fatigue level, physical function, etc., it is found that cognitive behavioral therapy can improve the overall state of chronic fatigue syndrome, reduce fatigue symptoms, and improve physical function. have significant effects.

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