
In the19th century, American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne was good at romanticism, especially good at nomenclature characterization, highlighting themes. His masterpiece, The Scarlet Letter will epitomize this characteristic. In this novel, Hawthorne integrated the use of the Greek mythology, biblical allusions, homophonic, meaning to the word mentioned, the first letter and word form implied approximation and other methods to give four main characters names, so that this novel contains multiple moral and pluralistic themes. Hester Prynne, the heroine's name contains a beautiful, passionate, reckless and desire, at the same time it purifies the soul of humanity exploration and other significance. Arthur Dimmesdale, the hero's name contains a man commits adultery due to his cowardice and the evil hidden in the dark heart of Italy. Hester's husband Roger Chillingworth's name implies the tomb of the villain, vengeance and cold and represents of evil side of human nature, but there are also still recognition side. Hester and Arthur's daughter Pearl's name has other precious, beautiful and pure side of human nature, forming obvious contrast with her parents' r evil side of human nature, encouraging them to do good deeds, so as to achieve the moral goal advocated by Hawthorne.

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