
With the popularization of information technology, the proportion of universities in the field of scientific research investment has increased year by year, which is also mainly used for laboratory investment. With the continuous maturity of cloud service technology, intelligent laboratory management has become the main mode of university management, which will gradually replace the traditional manual management. Through various sensing devices, the intelligent laboratory can realize the intelligent management of equipment, personnel, safety and technical data, which is the main embodiment of intelligence. Research method: through the intelligent laboratory management and control platform, managers can directly intelligentized the management system and control the laboratory, which is the necessity of the laboratory intelligent security management mode. Through the intelligent system, managers can realize the standardization, process and informatization of technical data, which will improve the utilization and sharing rate of experimental equipment. This paper mainly refers to the literature survey and empirical research. Through the investigation of literature to obtain information, this paper comprehensively and correctly understand a method to master the problem to be studied. The literature research method is widely used in various disciplines. Through empirical research, this paper proposes a design mode using scientific instruments and equipment, which can be used to observe, record and measure the intelligent management mode of laboratories step by step. Conclusion: the development of laboratory intelligent security management mode based on big data and cloud services has become the development trend of university laboratory management, which is of great significance to improve the scientific research level of universities. Based on big data analysis algorithm, this paper constructs an experimental intelligent security management mode.

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