
Our country is moving into a deeper population ageing. With the deepening of our aging population and the development of modern smart technologies, the Internet has reshaped the way older people interact and live, it has become an important engine to optimize the development and innovation of the old-age service model. Based on the analysis of the existing problems in the current intelligent pension model, this paper takes the Community Intelligent project of Nanjing Positive Health Eldercare Service Center as an example to show how to realize the intellectualization and informationization of endowment service in community. Smart pension information construction path includes establishing a community elderly personal information database, realization of intelligent processing of multichannel massive data, and establishing real-time monitoring with the aid of artificial intelligence. We should make use of modern communication technology and information technology to innovate the mode of old-age service and promote the organic integration of internet and old age service industry, so as to realize the digitalization, informationization and technicalization of old-age service.

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