
According to the characteristics of “Three Soft” outburst coal seams in the Henan area with large gas content, poor air permeability, and extremely difficult extraction, the hydraulic fracturing and punching technology of soft coal with packer tool string sealing method was studied. Xinzheng Coal Electric Power Company is a coal and gas outburst mine, and the second coal seam is a typical soft outburst coal seam. In 14201, upper bottom drainage roadway, which has a broken top plate, a test of penetration hydraulic pressure thrust-enhanced permeability technology based on packer sealing mode was carried out. The average concentration in the press-punching area was 4.8 times that in the non-press-punching area (to be tested), and the average pure volume of 100 holes in the test area was 42 times that in the untested area. During hydraulic pressure punching in the test area, affected by fracturing disturbance, the concentration and purity of the test area and the adjacent test area significantly increased. The test verifies that the large range of fracturing communication cracks at the same time through the interception hole punching plays a synergic permeability and pressure relief effect, providing a new idea and technical support for the hydraulic permeability increase technology in this area.

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