
In July 2020, the People's Bank of China announced that the transition period of the new rules on capital management would be extended to the end of 2021, so there would be no so-called capital protection and interest protection financial products, and large banks would not be able to use the cost valuation method to evaluate financial products, resulting in continued decline in earnings and principal loss. Secondly, asset transparency is in full swing. On March 10, 2021, in the third session of the fourth Session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee, the committee members' Passage proposed that "the continuity and sustainability of macro policies should be maintained in 2021, and no sharp turn should be made". Since the outbreak, China's monetary policy has been lowering interest rates. The reduction of interest rate directly affects the interest income of people's bank financial management. The future trend of interest rates will directly affect the wealth management of families. In the face of the risks of wealth management, how to maintain and appreciate the existing assets? In the face of the downward interest rate, asset transparency and the reform of the tax system, this paper puts forward wealth management countermeasures for families under this background, and provides guarantee strategies for wealth management, such as the health of the elderly, the marriage of children and the inheritance of wealth.

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