
It is publicly considered that next generational Internet technology is grid computing, which supports sharing and coordinated use of diverse resources in dynamic virtual organizations from geographically and organizationally distributed components. Grid computing characters strong computing ability and broad width information exchange [I. Foster and C. Kesselman, 1998]. Globus presented open grid services architecture (OGSA), which centered on grid services [I. Foster et al., June 2002]. According to characteristic of grid-based distributed virtual reality (DVR-G) and development of current grid computing, this paper put forward orient-grid distributed network model for DVR-G, whose dynamic virtual group is corresponding with virtual organization in OGSA service. The GDNM is of more advantage to distributed database consistency management, and is more convenient to virtual group users acquiring DVR-G data information, and dynamic virtual groups in GDNM are easier and more directly to utilize grid source and communication each other. The architecture of DVR-G designed in this paper is based on OGSA and Web services, which is keep to the five-tiers sandglass structure of OGSA. This architecture is more convenient to utilizing grid service and decreasing conflict with grid environment. This paper presents implementation of DVR-G and interfaces of grid service.

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