
Background Since their introduction in 2000, electronic book devices—or simply e-book readers, have integrated new interface and technological features. Despite their evolution, current e-book readers do not offer satisfactory user experience to readers partly due to the lack of understanding of the essence of the reading experience, which has a long cultural history. This paper investigates the differences and similarities of the reading experience between paper books and electronic books to understand the impact of the specific medium (i.e., paper and electronic books) on the reading experience. Based on our findings, we suggest some improvements in the interactivity of ‘turning of the book page’. Methods We conducted a literature survey to grasp the concept of paper books and changes in the reading method, after which we conducted a comparison with the mobile application interface, and an analysis of reading type. We then estimated changes to the mobile interface due to the application of force-touch technology. Finally, after designing a new e-book interface, we created the prototype and conducted a usability test on it. Results Based on the findings of this study, we suggest a new electronic book interface for smart phone devices. Our findings suggest that both usability and sensibility are the key elements of the reading experience of electronic books. In particular, force-touch, which is a form of haptic technology, should be applied to improve the interactivity of today’s e-book devices. Conclusions The effective use of direct contact with the content on any medium can provide a physical sense of reading that can not be achieved by existing e-book interfaces. We are now in a period of transition in which traditional printing technology coexists with digital technology, so we should continue to discover the possibility of both methods complementing each other.

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