
Based on the data of agricultural machinery equipment statistics over the years, this paper analyzes the current situation of agricultural mechanization in agricultural advantageous and characteristic industries such as high-altitude rice, tea, vegetables, and fruits in Wencheng County, Zhejiang Province. In 2022, the comprehensive mechanization level of rice cultivation and harvest in Wencheng County was 70.2%, while the average level in Wenzhou City was 87.4%. Rui'an City mainly composed of plains reached as high as 94.8% and Leqing City mainly composed of plains reached as high as 84.1% . In 2022, the mechanization level of tillage link of rice in the Wencheng mountainous area reaches 99.6%,which is little difference from the plain area.However, there is a significant difference between the plain and mountainous areas in the sowing and transplanting links. In 2022, the rice transplanting rate in Wencheng County was only 14.8%, significantly lower than the average level of 62.38% in Wenzhou, and far lower than Rui'an (77.3%) and Leqing (73.6%). In 2022, the machine harvest level of rice in Wencheng County was 86.4%, lower than that of Rui'an City (95.4%) and Yueqing City (98.8%).At present, the comprehensive mechanization level of the rice and tea industries in Wencheng is high, but the mechanization level of the vegetable and fruit industries is very low with the sowing and transplanting, field management, and harvesting processes being mainly manual operations. The article analyzes the geographical, policy, industrial, equipment, and technological bottlenecks of agricultural mechanization in Wencheng County, and proposes corresponding countermeasures to break the bottlenecks.

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