
Building the Network Culture of the rule of law is inner pressing for deepening the rule of law practice in China. The basic requirements of the rule of law culture of Network reflected in three dimensions as the value, form and practice, Namely, Citizens of the object, the diversity of culture, and Participate in order. To improve the nature of the citizens of Internet users, to strengthen the rule of law concept education, to construct comprehensive interaction and service network of the rule of law publicity mode, to create the atmosphere of advocating the rule of law, is the route choice of constructing the rule of law culture.


  • The network society is an important part of the social reality, and is an extension of the real society

  • Building the Network Culture of the rule of law is inner pressing for deepening the rule of law practice in China

  • The basic requirements of the rule of law culture of Network reflected in three dimensions as the value, form and practice, Namely, Citizens of the object, the diversity of culture, and Participate in order

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Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education

Received: January 8, 2018 Accepted: February 13, 2018 Online Published: February 22, 2018 doi:10.5539/par.v7n1p1. The research is financed by (Sponsoring information) social science major fund project in 2017 in Shaanxi province (project number: 2017 ZD02); the ministry of education of youth fund project in 2016 (project number: 16 YGC710022); the education science much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning project In 2016 in Shanxi Province (project number: SGH16H010)

Public Administration Research
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