
With the continuous emergence of new technologies such as Artificial intelligence, big data, Cloud computing and IOT, technology accelerates integration and innovation, and data dividends have continued to emerge. At the same time, China’s “Internet Action Plan”, “Made in China 2025”, “Digital China” and other national strategies have been implemented in depth, China’s social and economic development has entered the era of big data. As the basic industry of the national economy. The logistics industry will also accelerate changes, and it has become a development trend for companies to use new technologies to realize smart supply chain collaborative innovation. The paper analyzes the development opportunities of smart supply chain in the Big Data Era, summarizes the problems encountered in the application of big data in the smart supply chain at this stage, and finally puts forward the collaborative innovation strategy for smart supply chain in the Big Data Era, Providing reference for collaborative innovation development of enterprise supply chain.


  • The continuous progress of science and technology and the continuous deepening of social information, Smart applications based on big data and artificial intelligence will realize the intelligence of all things

  • Information system construction, data collaboration, and the popularization of handheld terminals will significantly increase the level of logistics digitization, breaking industry information asymmetry and information islands, and logistics data showing an exponential growth trend, forming a fully-covered and widely-connected logistics Internet, "Internet of Everything" Promote the development of smart supply chain

  • Through the mining and processing of big data, it is possible to support front-end R&D and production based on consumer data, effectively reducing The reaction time of the chain and save supply chain costs, realize the interactive connection of suppliers, enterprises, third-party logistics, customers, etc., and realize a fully connected smart supply chain network

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The continuous progress of science and technology and the continuous deepening of social information, Smart applications based on big data and artificial intelligence will realize the intelligence of all things. In this process, data has become the fifth new production factor after land, labor, capital and technology. Enterprises can use big data analysis to deeply explore the information value behind the data, help improve the level of operation and management, and improve the efficiency of logistics supply chain operations. Enterprises should innovate supply chain management models, create a customer-centric, big data-driven smart supply chain, and improve logistics service level and user experience, providing support for scientific management and decision-making of enterprises

Information interconnection
Intelligent processing of data
The problem of Enterprise Big Data Scientific planning
The problem of promotion intelligent service level
Supply chain data security issues
Create a smart supply chain collaborative innovation platform
Cultivate compound smart supply chain talents
Establish smart supply chain data security management system
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