
In recent years, the field of autonomous mobile robotics has garnered significant attention due to its potential applications in various domains such as logistics, surveillance, and search and rescue operations. A crucial challenge in this area is the efficient navigation of robots within complex and dynamic environments, particularly when navigating through maze-like structures. The maze navigation problem involves finding optimal paths for robots to traverse from their initial positions to designated destinations while avoiding obstacles and making intelligent decisions to ensure timely and safe navigation. This study aims to investigate and apply Dijkstras algorithm to solve the maze navigation problem for autonomous mobile robots. By analyzing the navigation challenges faced by autonomous mobile robots in maze environments, a solution based on Dijkstras algorithm is proposed. In conclusion, this study contributes to the field of autonomous mobile robotics by proposing and evaluating the application of Dijkstras algorithm for maze navigation. The experimental results validate its potential to address the challenges of navigating intricate maze environments. However, it is acknowledged that further refinement and innovation are possible to continue improving the performance of autonomous mobile robots in maze navigation scenarios.

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