
Three-dimensional complex fault modeling is an important research topic in three-dimensional geological structure modeling. The automatic construction of complex fault models has research significance and application value for basic geological theories, as well as engineering fields such as geological engineering, resource exploration, and digital mines. Complex fault structures, especially complex fault networks with multilevel branches, still require a large amount of manual participation in the characterization of fault transfer relationships. This paper proposes an automatic construction method for a three-dimensional complex fault model, including the generation and optimization of fault surfaces, automatic determination of the contact relationship between fault surfaces, and recording of the model. This method realizes the automatic construction of a three-dimensional complex fault model, reduces the manual interaction in model construction, improves the automation of fault model construction, and saves manual modeling time.


  • This study provides a new solution for the automatic processing of the fault-fault contact relationship of the complex fault model

  • This paper proposes a set of complex fault model construction methods based on triangulation network fault surfaces, including (1) the automatic generation method of fault surfaces, (2) the automatic calculation method of fault contact relationships, and (3) complex fault model recording methods

  • The fault entities in the complex fault model are equivalent to the point elements in the graph, and the contact relationship between the two faults is equivalent to the edges in the graph (Figure 15)

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The construction of the fault model mainly includes four steps: data preparation, fault surface generation, fault-fault contact relationship processing, and model recording. The processing of the faultfault contact relationship includes the determination of the intersection station, the major or minor fault, the termination of fault surfaces, and the truncation of the minor fault. The judgment of intersection has been automated, the determination of the major or minor fault, the processing of fault surface termination, and the truncation of minor faults still require manual interaction [21,22,23]. After constructing a fine triangulation fault surface model with the fault point data, the intersecting relationship of the fault surfaces is automatically judged and recorded by the graph model of graph theory. Minerals 2021, 11, 893 the manual interaction in model construction, improves the automation of fault model construction, and saves manual modeling time

Automatic Construction Process of Complex Fault Model
Data Preparation
Determination of Fault-Fault Contact Relationship
Recording of Complex Fault Model
Automatic Construction Method of Complex Fault Model
Automatic Generation Method of Fault Surface
Automatic Determination Method of Fault-Fault Contact Relationship
Determining the Type of the Fault
Updating Geometrical Topological Relations with Ear Clipping Algorithm
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10. Schematic
Judging the Truncated Part
Record the Fault-Fault Contact Relationship
Record the Complex Fault Model
Examples of 3D Complex Fault Model Construction
Discussion and Conclusions
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