
The purpose of research is determining the conditions of stimulating effect of the combined influence of constant and variable electromagnetic fields on the substrate and microorganisms in the bioreactor. This goal is achieved by solving the following tasks: development of mathematical model, conducting numerical simulation to determine the distribution of magnetic field in active zones of the stator-bioreactor system; conducting experimental researches during the fermentation of pig’s manure with litter from wheat straw in the mesophilic mode of fermentation. One category of bioreactors (control samples) was not exposed to influence of magnetic field, for the other, periodically were made treatment simultaneously with a low-frequency electromagnetic field and constant magnetic field synchronously with the process of mixing the substrate. The most significant results are: an experimental proof of effectiveness of the proposed method of intensification of the biogas output and increasing its quality, high accuracy of mathematical model of distribution the magnetic field in active zones of the stator-bioreactor system; assessment of the levels of consumption of nutrients by microorganisms from the substrate under the influence of the combined magnetic field and without influence of the magnetic field. The significance of obtained results lies in the fact that the proposed approach to intensification of the biogas output provides increase of the level production, the quality of biogas, and cumulative rate of methane output per unit of organic mass in the reactor.

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