
The authors describe the significance of the problem of forming digital competence of future teachers. In the period of rapid technological development of a digital society and the introduction of digital technologies, the creation of a digital educational environment, there is a need to resolve the contradiction between the demand for teachers with developed digital competence and their insufficient training in the aspect of the digital component for the successful use of digital technologies in professional pedagogical activity. The formation of digital competence is carried out in the process of implementing educational programs of higher education, as well as advanced training and professional training programs. The authors of the article aim to identify the current state of digital competence of a teacher based on the analysis of empirical data obtained during a survey of current teachers and future teachers students of the pedagogical direction on the use of digital technologies in the educational process. Based on the analysis of the list of relevant digital competencies in the field of education, the authors develop the questionnaire questions. The authors analyze the results of the questionnaire and conclude that the level of digital competence of teachers, the degree of readiness and desire of teachers to use digital tools and services in the educational process suggest the need to develop issues of organizing effective online communication of participants in the educational process, productive feedback with students by means of digital technologies; forming a critical assessment of the behavior of students and adjusting their actions when working in a digital educational environment, control over the independence of students in completing educational tasks; applying the results of student digital footprint analysis to eliminate and correct educational deficits of individual students; using the potential of digital tools and services in organizing group work and project activities of students, communication and involvement of students, and others. The authors propose pedagogical tools for the formation of digital competence of a teacher.

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