
Today, reduction of forest resources and wood-based panel production of intense pressure from environmentalists on this issue has led to new searches. At this point, various studies and researches are carried out on the subject.This research was also planned within this scope. In this study, mechanical properties of particle boards (650 kg/m3) produced using urea cotton stalks and wood (% 100, 75, 50, 25, 0) for general purposes under laboratory conditions were investigated. At the same time, the results were compared with relevant standards. For production of particleboards, urea formaldehyde resin (65%) and as hardening agent ammonium chloride (33%) were used. The result showed that the mean value of bending strength, modulus of elasticity and resistance to axial withdrawal strength of the specimens, janka results ranged from 13.11 to 18.01 N/mm2, from 2819 to 4620.8 N/mm2, from 984.6 to 1089.4, from 0.55 to 0.97 N/mm2 and from 32.2 to 54.41 N/mm2, respectively. In the statistical analysis, (except for 100% wood chip) it was understood that, properties of the particleboards have improved with the rising percentage of wood particles in the particleboards. In addition, it was determined that the bending resistance and the modulus of elasticity in bending, the tensile strength perpendicular to the surface and the screw holding resistance perpendicular to the surface were meet the minimum requirements required in TS-EN 310, TS EN 319 and BS 1811, respectively.


  • wood-based panel production of intense pressure from environmentalists on this issue has led to new searches

  • This research was also planned within this scope

  • the results were compared with relevant standards

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Materyal ve yöntem

Yonga levha üretiminde test materyali olarak kullanılan Pamuk (Gossypium hirsitum L.) sapları ve ahşap yongaları, Doğu Akdeniz Yöresinden temin edilmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında planlanan mekanik testlerde kullanılmak üzere, pamuk sapları ile ahşap yongaları, beş farklı oranda karıştırılarak 50x50 cm ölçülerinde 18 mm kalınlıkta her grup için 3 adet olmak üzere toplam 5 grupta (Gruplar: I, II, III, IV ve V) 15 adet levha üretilmiştir. Bütün levha tipleri için aynı pres şartları uygulandı ve Şekil 1’de iki örneği gösterilen test levhaları elde edildi. Sıcaklığı 20 ±2 oC ve bağıl nemi % 65 ±5 olan klima ortamında üç hafta süreyle TS 642- ISO 554’te belirtilen esaslara göre klimatize edilmiştir. Çalışmada üretilen test levhalarının eğilme direnci ve eğilmede elastikiyet modülü testleri TS EN 310 (1999)’da, yüzeye dik çekme direnci TS EN 319’da ve yüzeye dik vida tutma direnci BS 1811 (1969)’de belirtilen esaslar doğrultusunda gerçekleştirildi. Çözelti (%) Yoğunluk (g/cm3) PH (250C) Viskozite Dın/cPs 25oC Jelleşme süresi (s, 1000C)

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