
Given an urgent need to protect a crew of the type Mi-8 helicopter from firearms in the course of combat missions and lack of transparent armor for this type of helicopter in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it was decided to conduct a theoretical and experimental research with regard to armouring a cabin of type Mi-8 helicopter.
 The first stage of experimental research was laboratory (bench) research.
 Samples of bulletproof glass measuring 500x500 mm and 12 and 18 mm thick were provided for testing. The purpose of research bench tests was to determine the degree of protection of the armored glass unit. The samples were fired at with 9 mm pistol bullets, ind. 57-H-181c (Makarov pistol), bullets 7.62 mm pistol cartridge, ind. 57-H-134c (Tokarev pistol) and 5.45 mm bullets, ind. 7H6 (AK-74 assault rifle).
 The next stage of experimental research was to conduct research ground tests of armored glass of a Mi-8 helicopter crew cabin.
 The purpose of research ground tests was to evaluate the protective properties of armored glass samples, based on the results of their firing with a single 5.45 mm bullet shots, ind. 7H6 (AK-74 assault rifle) at the shooting range.
 Samples of armoured glass of the on-board technician and sight (right) glass intended for protection of the flight crew, systems and units of the cabin were presented for ground research tests.
 The final stage of experimental research was the stage of research flight tests of the Mi-8MSB-B helicopter with 18 mm thick armored glass.
 The purpose of research flight tests was as follows:
 to determine changes in the main technical and operational characteristics of Mi-8MSB-B helicopter after installation of 18 mm thick armored glass;
 to determine the possibility of using 18 mm thick armored glass on Mi-8 helicopters;
 to assess the effectiveness and safety of armored glass for armouring Mi-8 helicopters’ cabins;
 to determine peculiarities of using 18 mm thick armored glass on Mi-8 helicopters and peculiarities of Mi-8 helicopter operation with armored glass installed;
 to obtain initial data for elaboration of tactical and technical (general) requirements for helicopters Mi-8 (particularly concerning the installation of armored glass), approved by Testing Program and Procedure for research flight tests of Mi-8MSB-B helicopter.

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