
The tendency to maintain anthropogenic load on the environment and in the hydrosphere in particular, poses new challenges and tasks to the science of food hygiene and water treatment for the growing problems of drinking water supply and water treatment for food production, where good quality water is a critical and essential raw material component of the food products. To the traditional requirements of ensuring the safety and physiological integrity of water in an environment where existing water treatment technologies have practically exhausted their possibilities of improvement and increase of efficiency, new factors have been added, connected with creation of fundamentally new possibilities of change of physicochemical and biomedical properties of water without any change of chemical composition by a number of physical reagent-free factors on water and its acquisition of its structural and energy state – a new and intensively studied phenomenon of nature. The main effect in this direction was the electrolysis of water in the diaphragm electrolyzer with the separation of the products of electrochemical reactions in the cathode (catholyte) and anode (anolyte) zones. Water in the process of electrochemical treatment acquires anomalous physicochemical and biological properties, first of all increase of chemical and biochemical activity, for which it was named the new class of substances - electrochemical activated water (ECAW). Today, such activated water has found practical application in hygienic medicine, in solving the increase in the biological value of drinking water and the creation of water with health properties. The study of the laws of electrochemical activation of water still does not lose its relevance and scientific and practical value, especially in the food industry.

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