
The study aims to track how students' motivation for professional self-determining develops. The professional practice of specialists proves that their successful self-realization in the profession depends on the level of professional self-determination, their awareness of the subjective meaning of the chosen profession, and the development of professional and personal motivation. The paper focuses on the issues of motivational forming for future specialists' professional self-determining. Diagnostics allows for determining the reasons used by students in professional self-determination. Features of diagnosis of the state of development of motivation of professional self-determining university students are given. The concept of “professional self-determination of the individual” is revealed. The significance of motivation theories in fostering students’ professional autonomy is discussed. Developing students’ professional self-determining of motives indicators is highlighted. Finally, the outcomes of the diagnostic procedures are represented. According to the research results, it was established that the motivation for professional self-determination of university students indicates their desire for professional self-development and their awareness of the importance of the chosen profession. The development of students’ motivation occurs through the use of the following forms of learning in the educational process of the university: lecture classes (problematic, thematic, binary, lecture-conferences, lectures-visualization, lectures-disputes); seminar classes (interdisciplinary, search, seminars-discussions, seminars-round tables); business games, training, idea auctions, talk shows, project activities, etc.

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