
Serious problems affecting oil production, causing complications in oil wellbores, in oil field equipment and pipeline communication is the formation of asphalt, resin, and paraffin deposits. Their formation reduces the overall performance of the system of exploitation and violation of operating practices. Today, in the area of asphaltenes deposits, resins and paraffin, our scientific research and work is based on two different directions: prevention (i.e. slowing down) deposits and their removal. In this paper, we consider one of the most effective methods of disposal: chemical reagents with the use of solvents, the selection of which produce, given the type of deposits. In traditional practice, the definition of the type of deposits is laborious and a time-consuming process, and therefore, it is necessary to create new methods for studying the chemical composition of the asphalt, resin, and paraffin deposits. The article presents the results of research studies of the optical properties of asphalt, resin, and paraffin deposits. It also presents a methodology determining the type of deposits, improves the quality of selection of reagents and solvents. The relationship of the building-up deposits' intensity on their composition, which can be determined by light absorption coefficient of oil, and based on this fact that it is possible not to only choose effective solvent, but also to study the impact of the solvent on the asphalt, resin, and paraffin deposits for obtaining important dependencies, is vividly demonstrated in this work. The results, which were obtained in the research process of such relationships and dependents, are allowed to develop rapid method of determining the type of operational asphalt, resin, and paraffin deposits in the wells and to choose their suitable solvent. The research results can be used to improve the efficiency of chemical control methods for organic deposits during the exploitation of complicated oil, gas and condensate fields.

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