
Article tells that experiment of crops of a Agropyrum for improvement of an unproductive pasture is made. Agropyrum - the most perspective fodder culture possessing steady harvests, high fodder advantages is steady against salty lands, durability, drought resistance and winter hardiness which is used for improvement of natural fodder grounds in arid regions of Russia. The sowed material - mix of three types Agropyrum: Siberian (Agropyrum Sibiricum, Willa), desert (Agropyrum desertozum, Figeh) and pectineal (Agropyrum pectiniforme, Sehuet), the pastures of the Astrakhan region collected on natural the sukhostepnykh. The purpose of researches - to study influence of sowing time (autumn, spring) and the directions of crops (the North-South, the West-East) of a Agropyrum on efficiency of a new pasture in arid conditions of Northern Prikaspiya. When carrying out researches popular methods of crops and a research of pastures have been used. Results of researches have shown: seeds of different types of a Agropyrum were similar on the weight and viability; at crops in the spring in the first year of life the most part of a new pasture was occupied by different herbs, and at autumn crops - the most part of a pasture was occupied Agropyrum; crops with the direction the West-East were optimum for development of herbs on a new pasture since the harvest at crops was more in the spring, than a crops harvest with the direction the North-South on 0,5 tons from 1 hectare, and at autumn sowing time - on 0,9 tons from 1 hectare (according to the second year of life of a Agropyrum); autumn sowing time - optimum for crops of a Agropyrum at restoration of arid pastures because the productivity of a new pasture (the second year of life of a Agropyrum) was higher, than at crops in the spring on 0,8 tons from 1 hectare (at the direction of crops the West-East) and on 0,4 tons from 1 hectare (North-South). Thus, at the first stage of long-term experience we have created new agronomical ecosystems - the improved arid pastures and have reached in two years of their higher efficiency in comparison with natural steppe ecosystems. At the following stages researches of stability of these agronomical ecosystems, including their longevity and maintaining efficiency are planned.


  • Article tells that experiment of crops of a Agropyrum for improvement of an unproductive pasture is made

  • Agropyrum — the most perspective fodder culture possessing steady harvests, high fodder advantages is steady against salty lands, durability, drought resistance and winter hardiness which is used for improvement of natural fodder grounds in arid regions of Russia

  • The sowed material — mix of three types Agropyrum: Siberian (Agropyrum Sibiricum, Willa), desert (Agropyrum desertozum, Figeh) and pectineal (Agropyrum pectiniforme, Sehuet), the pastures of the Astrakhan region collected on natural the sukhostepnykh

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Что семена высеваемых житняков имели близкие показатели по весу и всхожести. Посев житняка и в осенний (2015 г.), и в весенний периоды (2016 г.) проводился при благоприятных погодных условиях: температура воздуха +7 ± 5 °С, относительная влажность воздуха 70—80%. Для определения условий развития агрофитоценозов был исследован также продуктивный запас почвенной влаги по месяцам на опытных участках в слое почвы 0—0,5 м 1. Изменение продуктивного запаса влаги (мм) в слое почвы 0—0,5 м по месяцам, ФГБНУ «ПНИИАЗ». Исследования показали, что продуктивный запас влаги в почве в период посева (октябрь, март) был более, чем достаточный (более 20 мм) для начала активной вегетации трав. Результаты показали, что условия увлажнения почвы первого года вегетации в весенний период были более благоприятные, чем второго, соответственно 171 мм и 92 мм. В летний период влага в почве отсутствовала (показатели продуктивного запаса влаги отрицательные). Результаты исследования агрофитоценозов, ФГБНУ «ПНИИАЗ», (данные от 01.06) 2016—2017 гг

Direction of crops
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