
It is shown that dust content of urban environment affects the morbidity rate. The study of dispersive soil (loessial and clay rocks) dust emission has been undertaken, 60% of such kind of soil are involved in earthworks in the Nizhnee Povolzhie region. It has been revealed that the nature of dust emission in the development of dispersive solid depends on the physical and mechanical properties (moisture, porosity, plasticity indices) and the depth of development. Dust emissions are allocated in the depth zone. The relationship between dust emission in loessial rocks and the composition of the underlying stratum deposits has been noted. If the loessial stratum covers the clay soil, during the development it leads to a smaller release of dust than when bedding on sandy rocks. Clay development is characterized by low dust emission figures; they depend on the variability of properties at different depth. It has been found that properties of rocks in the walls of borrows and grooves change over time. We have described the working principle and the main constituent elements of industrial vacuum cleaner, which is recommended to be used for cleaning pollutants that have accumulated after the construction work, during the development of dispersive soil, on city streets, in dead zones of joints of horizontal and vertical planes.

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