
The results of asphalt pavement investigation regarding cracks formation on the road in the vicinity of the settlement Gabala and at the ramps and runway of the airport Gabala (Azerbaijan) are presented. Following the research of composition and properties of asphalt mixes, the impact of source materials on the mixes was determined. Mineral component of asphalt concrete is represented mainly by pebbles from mountain streams. Heterogeneity of mineral composition of pebbles causes heterogeneity of their adhesion to bitumen. The properties of original bitumen manufactured in Azerbaijan and of polymer modified bitumen were studied. The effect of viscosity of original bitumen, its susceptibility to cracks formation was studied. High viscosity of modified binder was noted that significantly affects the process of cracks formation in asphalt pavements. Type content before and after aging of original bitumen was studied. Significant decrease in aromatic hydrocarbons in the aged samples and high paraffin content was registered. Parameters that can impair crack resistance of pavement were defined. The properties of asphalt cores taken on the road in specific areas of cracking were studied. The composition of asphalt mixes placed in pavement, debonding in the materials of asphalt pavement, runway and ramps of the airport Gabala were studied. Difference in the nature and in the shape of cracks at these sites was noted. Basing on the research results, the proposals on preventing further cracking on the pavements that will be arranged and the countermeasures to fight cracks in pavements that are in operation were developed.

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