
Methods. The study of theoretical aspects of the formation of economic potential of the enterprise is based on general scientific methods: evolutionary (to determine the interpretation of basic concepts); abstract-logical (to identify trends and signs of the development of economic potential in the context of transparency of investment processes); comparison (to study modern approaches to the formation of economic potential of the enterprise); generalization (to form their own conclusions and subsequent vectors of research). Results. The article studies modern approaches to the formation of economic potential of the enterprise in the context of transparency of investment processes development. Some interpretations of the concept of economic potential of the enterprise are considered. The main signs of the evolution of the concept of economic potential of the enterprise , in particular, the need to carry out activities in conditions of increasing transparency are defined. The main properties of the economic potential of the enterprise in the context of transparency of the development of investment processes are revealed: integrity, complexity, hierarchy, possibility of development, adaptability, communicability. Some sources of economic potential development are given. The analysis of approaches to the formation of economic potential of the enterprise is carried out: systemic, complex, functional, innovative, integration, strategic, normative and others. The expediency of application of each of them is substantiated. Complex conditions of internal and external environment of enterprises functioning are the reason for the constant search for the formation and development of economic potential. Novelty. In the process of research of theoretical approaches of formation of economic potential of the enterprise the modern tendencies of their formation and improvement are revealed, taking into account the necessity of transparency of development of investment processes having interdependence. Practical value. The analysis and detailed description of existing approaches to the formation of the economic potential of an enterprise allows to deepen the understanding of these processes for their implementation in economic activity, which will direct its ability to adapt in the conditions of rapid transformations (both positive and negative) and transparency of development.

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