
The session presents a number of specific research methodological topics and issues that directly relate to conducting marketing and consumer behavior research and the impact on the value of the empirical and statistical insights reported in the marketing and consumer research studies. Using a combination of short presentations, expert panel insights, and a town hall interactive format between panel members and the audience, this session focuses on providing interesting discussions concerning such topics and issues as: Issues using non-probabilistic convenience samples from student, M-Turk, and private sector research organizations’ panel sources and the data quality and researchers ability to generate external validity inferences from data results Construct scale measure reliability and validity issues of adapting versus adopting previous reported scales in the literature Difficulties underlying the lack of reporting insignificant empirical-based research results Issues underlying the use of secondary versus primary research methods to test theory, causality, and predictability between multiple constructs Issues concerning the mediation and moderation effects of constructs in empirical and experimental design studies Issues underlying data ethics and data integrity Data fraud: types, detections, and consequences

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