
Scientific practice is procedural, systemic and presupposes the discovery of reality. Learning through investigative processes is training, education, and enhances multiple learnings. In this case study, descriptive-analytical, of a qualitative nature, it aimed to analyze the possibilities, limits and perspectives for learning by investigation within the Research Initiation Program. Highlights as theoretical and analysis categories: PIBIC and research knowledge. The data were generated by the semi-structured questionnaire with four scholarship recipients of the notice / 2019, from the Federal Institute of Piauí, Campus Piripiri and by the cut in the projects that bring the act of research as an object of study. Therefore, it becomes evident as to the possibilities for learning with research through the Program: development and deepening of studies, improvements in academic work, importance of scientific rigor and systematization of knowledge. The scholarship recipients point to the strengthening of research knowledge, personal and professional curriculum. Of the five projects approved by PIBIC, only one brings the act of research as the object of study, which was the focus sought. PIBIC is considered as an articulator of research knowledge and learning as investigative possibilities, minimizing the limiting aspects.KEYWORDS: Scientific learning. PIBIC. Research Knowledge.

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