
Medieval Indian Culture.—In the Indian Antiquary for September, Mr. K. de B. Codrington continues his study of the Ajanta frescoes, dealing with ships and boats, horse furniture, arms, metal-working, and pottery. The simplest form of boat is canoe-like and has two masts. It is clearly not a dug-out. Boats used for horse and elephant transport are broad in the beam and have grotesque makara figureheads. The large boat of Cave I has a high-pitched and finely cast bow and stern, on both of which oculi are painted. The passengers sit under an awning. A merchant ship has a full set of sails with two paddlers amidship. The arms show spears with short triangular blades and ferrules. Daggers are of one type with triangular blades and shaped grip. Three types of shields occur: a small parrying shield of metal; a round shield, usually of hide; and a curved oblong shield with tasselled edges which seems to have been made of black and white bamboo basket-work. Both composite and long bows are found. The swords are of three types: a type comparable with the modern kukri with the cutting edge on the incurved side; the long Indian sword with straight pointed blade; the leaf-bladed pattisá. All the Ajanta types have survived to-day and the straight and leaf-blade swords are found in Tinnevelly and Nilgiri iron age urn-burials. All have one type of hilt only—an angular V-shaped guard and disc-like pommel. The blade is usually strengthened by processes which run up it either in the middle or along the reverse, necessitated by the peculiar properties of Indian steel, which lacks flexibility. Little can be said of the metal work. Beside lamps and gadrooned pots in Cave I, the only articles recognisable are the mirrors. These are circular with a knob behind, pierced to take a ring or cord. This form is specially associated with China. Mirrors are rare in archaeological finds in India, only three being recorded.

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