
Healing in Ontong Java.—Measures taken for heal ing the sick in Ontong Java (Lord Howe's Island) in the Western Pacific are described by Mr. H. Ian Hogbin in Oceania, vol. 1, No. 2. Disease, in common with the weather, success in fishing, sorcery, and a hundred other things which affect the daily life of the people, are caused by Kipua. Every individual soon after birth receives a kipua (spirit), a double or airy body invisible to ordinary eyes. Although a kipua is not closely attached to its owner, it is not free until he dies. It then becomes free, and only then can it interfere in the ways mentioned, in the lives of other people. Illness being caused by the kipua can only be treated by ceremonies addressed to the kipua. An exception is made in the case of boils, contusions, ringworm, malaria, sprains, and swelling of the limbs, which are treated by natural means. The more serious diseases are classified two classes, convulsions and paralysis, are regarded as incurable but each of the remaining classes has its own specialist. The remedies are the property of certain joint families and are transmitted from headman to headman. An essential factor in the healing is a pule (cowrie) shell to which unbroken white coconut leaf, pandanus leaf, and a piece of the healer's hair are tied. The first essential is to find out which of the kipua, usually the spirits of the man's own ancestors, wish him to live and which wish him to die. Two methods are simple and may be carried out by anyone. The question being put to the kipua, the answer is given by knots made in strips of coconut leaf or by small pebbles. The more elaborate method requires the service of the specialist, a medium. When the sick man and his relatives have repaired to the house of the medium, the latter is possessed by each of the kipua invoked in turn, who states through him its wish. When the name of the kipua responsible has been ascertained, a ceremony follows, in the course of which the kipua is besought by prayer to give good things instead of evil.

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