
Progress is summarized in these areas: a new formulation of two dimensional critical phenomena and string theory, supersymmetric critical phenomena and string compactification, conformal field theory on orbifolds, Gaussian models with twisted boundary conditions, modular invariance and supersymmetric critical phenomena, critical indices, conformal invariance, and current algebra, renormalization group fixed points and the string equation of motion, fermionic string field theory, N = 2 super Riemann surfaces, the spinor field in covariant superstring theory, covariant quantization of superstrings, models of aggregation, and quasi-supersymmetry in the BCS mechanism. Further work is proposed in the areas of two dimensional critical phenomena, two dimensional conformal field theory and string theory, the physics of computation, models of aggregation, and the many vortex Aharonov-Bohm problem. 57 refs. (LEW)

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