
Aim. For complex highly-integrated technical systems that contain elements that vary in their physical nature and operating principles (combination of mechanical, electrical and programmable electronic components), complex dependability analysis appears to be challenging due to both qualitative and quantitative reasons (large number of elements and performed functions, poorly defined boundaries of interfunctional interaction, presence of hidden redundancy, static and dynamic reconfiguration, etc.). The high degree of integration of various subsystems erodes the boundaries of responsibility in the cause-and-effect link of failures. Thus, the definition of the strength and boundaries of interfunctional and cross-system interaction is of great value in the context of complex system analysis from the standpoint of locating bottlenecks, as well as reliable evaluation of the complex dependability level. Methods. In order to solve the tasks at hand, the authors propose a method that is based on the research of the behavior of the centroid of an area bounded above by the failure density function graph, below by the coordinate axis, from the right and left by the boundaries of the considered operation interval. Graphical analysis with construction of centroids is performed for each subsystem or structural unit of a complex technical system. After that, based on the partial centroids of the respective subsystems/units, the average centroid for the whole complex system is constructed. The authors suggest using the average centroid as a conditional universal measure of the average dependability level of highly-integrated technical systems that can be used in the development of specific design solutions. In this case, in particular, it is suggested to use the presented method for identification of the subsystem that, when redundant, ensures the highest all-around growth of dependability of the complex technical system as a whole. This condition is fulfilled by the subsystem/unit of which the partial centroid is situated at the longest distance from the average centroid. The assumptions presented in this article and the results obtained are tested by means of a short verification consisting in the calculation of the probability of no-failure of the system and subsystems, construction and analysis of respective graphs. Results. The method’s implementation is presented using the example of a conventional mechatronic system. For the sake of briefness and focus the information is given in a simplified and abstract form. The application of the proposed method for analyzing complex technical systems dependability through the research of density function centroid introduced in this article was the target criterion of the method’s development, i.e. identification of bottlenecks and areas with the highest potential for increasing the overall dependability. Further publications will be dedicated to proving the applicability of such entity as a centroid as a dependability evaluation criterion, as well as other applications of the presented method in complex technical systems dependability analysis.


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  • Исследование поведения центров тяжести системы графиков функций плотности распределения времени безотказной работы для элементов сложных технических систем позволяет оценить уровень взаимовлияния между подсистемами и определить их вклад в общий уровень надёжности сложной технической системы

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Исследование поведения центра тяжести плотности распределения времени безотказной работы сложных технических систем при резервировании // Надежность. Рисунок 2 – Функции плотности распределения времени безотказной работы блоков мехатронной системы Таблица 4 – Координаты частных центров тяжести блоков мехатронной системы при нагруженном ­резервировании с кратностью 1

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