
Processing of weeds control – is a very important aspect of the technologies of crops, and suppose the existence of an update date bank concerning these crops weeding, so that, the control strategies to be established in full knowledge, under the aspect of weeds composition, under the aspect of some specie dominance and weeding evolution on an ecological territory, homogeny, and also under the aspect of pedoclimatic and technological influence in the level of weed incidence in crops and the control methods within the agricultural ecosystem. The present paper presents the results of the determination of weeding level with all its compound, which took place in the 2001-2004 period in 5 pedoclimatic areas in Cluj county, being favorable for the main crops: Ist area – Cîmpia Turzii; IInd area – Ceanu Mare; IIIrd area – Cluj-Dej; IVth-area – Panticeu; Vth- – Huedin-Iara. The stationeries in which the experiments took place in different areas from the five pedoclimatic areas, on different types of soils: in the 1st zone – 4 counties and 3 types of soil, in the 2nd - 6 counties and 3 types of soil, in the 3rd - 8 counties and 3 types of soil, in the 4th – 4 counties and 2 types of soil and in the 5th zone – 6 counties and 3 types of soil. The weeding level is diverse under the aspect of composition and frequency in the 5 areas taken into study, and the influence of the soil type is observed in several cases detailed in the paper.

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