
As a general objective of this article, we seek to discuss the internship as a field of knowledge that requires an epistemological status based on overcoming the reproduction of instrumental practices. To this end, an experience report from the Internship discipline is used. Supervised Teaching of the Initial Years of Elementary Education of the Degree in Pedagogy at a private college in Curitiba/PR held during 2020, the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. The first part of the text proposes a discussion on the epistemological principles that constitute the supervised internship in teacher training, followed by a brief scenario of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on education, followed by a report on the experience carried out during the year 2020 with interns from the Pedagogy course, describing the theoretical-methodological proposal of the Supervised Internship discipline and how the research activities were proposed and developed. Finally, a discussion is presented about the need for the supervised internship to overcome the simple technical instrumentation based on copying models observed in the classroom to construct a critical attitude of the educator in relation to his work. and the pedagogical proposal of different educational levels, based on research as a methodological axis.

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