
This research aims to develop a Human ReSource Management system at SMP Dharma Wirawan 08 Donomulyo. This Research and Development uses the Design Based Research method with the following steps: (1) Problem Identification (2) Identification of Goals (3) Preparation of Product Design (4) Product Design Test (5) Evaluation of Product Design Test Results (6) Product Communication. The subject used is Donomulyo Islamic Junior High School, data obtained through observation and interviews, and questionnaires. The questionnaire answers use a Likert scale with 5 assessment categories (1) very inappropriate, (2) not feasible, (3) quite feasible, (4) feasible, (5) very feasible. The data analysis technique uses a percentage of the quality system tested by two academic validators and practitioners. The result of this research is a human reSource management quality system at Donomulyo Islamic Junior High School with the following specifications: vision, mission, objectives, organisational structure, job description, quality policy and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure).

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