
AbstractThe operation efficiency of the mining industry is determined by the technical level of mechanical equipment and automation of industrial mineral extraction processes. The article provides a method of research and results of the statistical analysis of indices defining the energy efficiency of mining complexes by the example of the Severnaya coal mine. The authors defined the energy and technological profiles for a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the energy efficiency of mining works. Recommendations on ensuring sustainable operation of mining complexes during a whole period of mining section tunneling are given. To research and analyze the energy characteristics of mining sections of a coal mine, the authors applied the methods of correlation and regression analysis. The theoretical performance of a tunneling machine is defined by its technical characteristics while the level of performance (technical and operational)—by relative time factors of scheme perfection, availability, and the partial operation continuity factor. With a change in the scope of works performed by tunneling machines, the level of power consumption is correspondingly changed; therefore, the change in specific indicators is insignificant and within the limits of a minimum statistical error. Therefore, for the research of the energy efficiency of tunneling, it is necessary to analyze shift averages for each section, i.e., to take into account the peculiarities of the technological process of mine tunneling for each tunneling machine type.KeywordsPower supplyCoal mineEnergy efficiencyMining complexes

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