
Recent years, many online network communities, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, Weibo, etc., have developed rapidly and become the bridge connecting physical social world and virtual cyberspace. Online network communities store a large number of social relationships and interactions between users. How to analyze diffusion of influence from these massive social data has become a research hotspot in the applications of big data mining in online network communities. A core issue in the study of influence diffusion is influence maximization. Influence maximization refers to selecting a few nodes in a social network as seeds, so as to maximize influence spread of seed nodes under a specific diffusion model. Focusing on two core aspects of influence maximization, i.e., models and algorithms, this paper summarizes the main achievements of research on influence maximization in the computer field in recent years. Finally, this paper briefly discusses issues, challenges and future research directions in the research and application of influence maximization.

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