
Severely injured patients need aqualified and seamless rehabilitation after the end of the acute treatment. This post-acute rehabilitation (phaseC) places high demands on the rehabilitation facility in terms of personnel, material, organizational and spatial requirements.The working group on trauma rehabilitation of the German Society for Orthopedics and Traumatology e. V. (DGOU) and other experts have agreed on requirements for post-acute phaseC rehabilitation for seriously injured people. These concern both the personnel and material requirements for ahighly specialized orthopedic trauma surgery trauma rehabilitation as well as the demands on processes, organization and quality assurance.Aseamless transition to the follow-up and further treatment of seriously injured people in the TraumaNetzwerk DGU® is ensured through ahigh level of qualification and the corresponding infrastructure of supraregional trauma rehabilitation centers. This also places new demands on the TraumaZentren DGU®. Only if these are met can the treatment and rehabilitation of seriously injured people be optimized.

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