
The ribosome binding site of Escherichia coli rpoS mRNA, encoding the stationary sigma-factor RpoS, is sequestered by an inhibitory stem-loop structure (iss). Translational activation of rpoS mRNA at low temperature and during exponential growth includes Hfq-facilitated duplex formation between rpoS and the small regulatory RNA DsrA as well as a concomitant re-direction of RNAse III cleavage in the 5´-untranslated region of rpoS upon DsrA·rpoS annealing. In this way, DsrA-mediated regulation does not only activate rpoS translation by disrupting the inhibitory secondary structure but also stabilizes the rpoS transcript. Although minor structural changes by Hfq have been observed in rpoS mRNA, a prevailing question concerns unfolding of the iss in rpoS at low growth temperature. Here, we have identified the DEAD-box helicase CsdA as an ancillary factor required for low temperature activation of RpoS synthesis by DsrA. The lack of RpoS synthesis observed in the csdA mutant strain at low growth temperature could be attributed to a lack of duplex formation between rpoS and DsrA, showing that at low temperature the sole action of Hfq is not sufficient to permit DsrA·rpoS annealing. An interactome study has previously indicated an association between Hfq and CsdA. However, immunological assays did not reveal a physical interaction between Hfq and CsdA. These findings add to a model, wherein Hfq binds upstream of the rpoS iss and presents DsrA in a conformation receptive to annealing. Melting of the iss by CsdA may then permit DsrA·rpoS duplex formation, and consequently rpoS translation.

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