
The demand for residential housing in Europe has increased in recent years. In Germany, affordable housing space in growing regions is becoming scarce. This results in many household types hardly being able to provide themselves with adequate living space. Although there is a high demand for housing with rental control, the relevant housing stock has declined in recent years. Considering the rising demand and the simultaneously declining stock of subsidized housing, the underlying conditions for the profitability of housing projects with rental control must be optimized. In 2006, there was a redistribution of responsibilitiesbetween the federation and the states in Germany. As a result, the responsibility for subsidized housing was transferred from the federation to the single states. This has the advantage that the laws can correspond to regional needs, but the different underlying conditions are hardly comparable. With regard to the population and the economy, there is an increased interest in research and there are numerous publications concerning publicly subsidized residential housing. Although, currently there is nocertainty regarding the influence of the nation-wide framework conditions on the typology of subsidizedhousing projects. Therefore, there is a need for a critical investigation of the aforementioned uncertainty.This paper is part of a PhD at the Chair for Real Estate Development at the RWTH Aachen University, within which the regional and local differences between the laws and regulations are examined. The overall objective is to analyze to what extent the realized types of dwellings vary in selected federal states. Furthermore, it will be proven if this variation can be justified by differences in the funding guidelines. Within this paper the named issues and results are exemplary described for the federal state North-Rhine-Westphalia. The aim is to investigate the conditions of subsidized housing and to determine whether they influence the realized housing typologies.The state-specific conditions as well as the various regional regulations of the state North Rhine-Westphaliawere analyzed. Additionally, this examination was supplemented by a real estate analysis of recently built residential housing projects in the German region. Various project partners support the examination. Thehousing types of the individual case studies were empirically examined. Empirical data of subsidized residential units was therefore determined and the influence of the various conditions for publicly subsidedresidential construction on the typology of the accommodations was investigated.Based on this investigation, it seems that there is a strong influence of the laws and offers for social housing projects on the realized apartments in North-Rhine-Westphalia

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