
The satellite DNAs of Drosophila melanogaster and D. virilis have been examined by isopycnic centrifugation, thermal denaturation, and in situ molecular hybridization. The satellites melt over a narrow temperature range, reassociate rapidly after denaturation, and separate into strands of differing buoyant density in alkaline CsCl. In D. virilis and D. melanogaster the satellites constitute respectively 41% and 8% of the DNA isolated from diploid tissue. The satellites make up only a minute fraction of the DNA isolated from polytene tissue. Complementary RNA synthesized in vitro from the largest satellite of D. virilis hybridized to the centromeric heterochromatin of mitotic chromosomes, although binding to the Y chromosome was low. The same cRNA hybridized primarily to the α-heterochromatin in the chromocenter of salivary gland nuclei. The level of hybridization in diploid and polytene nuclei was similar, despite the great difference in total DNA content. The centrifugation and hybridization data imply that the α-heterochromatin either does not replicate or replicates only slightly during polytenization. Similar but less extensive data are presented for D. melanogaster. — In D. melanogaster cRNA synthesized from total DNA hybridized to the entire chromocenter (α- and β-heterochromatin) and less intensely to many bands on the chromosome arms. The X chromosome was more heavily labeled than the autosomes. In D. virilis the X chromosome showed a similar preferential binding of cRNA copied from main peak sequences.—It is concluded that the majority of repetitive sequences in D. virilis and D. melanogaster are located in the α- and β-heterochromatin. Repetitive sequences constitute only a small percentage of the euchromatin, but they are widely distributed in the chromosomes. During polytenization the α-heterochromatin probably does not replicate, but some or all of the repetitive sequences in the β-heterochromatin and the euchromatin do replicate.

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