
ABSTRACTGonadal cycles are described for Alathyria jacksoni and Velesunio ambiguus from the River Murray at Overland Corner (near Lock 3) and for V. ambiguus at Point Sturt, Lake Alexandrina. The study included periods of low flow (1982), minor flooding (1983) and intermediate flow (1986). In males, gametogenesis continued year-round with fertilisation in late winter. Female A. jacksoni brooded embryos in spring and released glochidia during spring and summer, whereas in female V. ambiguus, glochidia were present most of the year, with peak releases in spring and summer. In both species, the proportions of actively reproducing individuals varied. In the Murray, populations were influenced by variations in discharge. At Point Sturt, gonadal cycles in V. ambiguus were irregular, influenced by variable lake levels. Although both species are essentially gonochoristic, there were hermaphrodites in river and lake populations, and a female bias in the population at Point Sturt. Infections by parasitic trematodes at Point Sturt were rare, but occurred in 10% of A. jacksoni and 35% of V. ambiguus at Overland Corner. The river populations were also affected by gill damage due to unionicolid mites. The disparities in infections between river and lake mussels are unexplained, but did affect their reproductive activity.

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