
Environmental conditions during the larval phase (food concentration and temperature) impact recruitment success of marine bivalves by affecting growth and survival. We analysed the seasonal match between environmental conditions and larval presence of six coastal bivalve species over eight consecutive years (2006–2013) in the western Wadden Sea, taking species-specific physiological responses to these conditions into account. The larval occurrence of four species overlapped with their optimum in environmental conditions as calculated following the Dynamic Energy Budget theory: the occurrence of larvae of Cerastoderma edule, Mya arenaria and Mytilus edulis matched with their optimum food conditions, while larvae of Crassostrea gigas were mainly found during the temperature optimum of this species. Larvae of Ensis directus and Macoma balthica, however, only occurred months after their most favourable food conditions. The first group probably uses the energy immediately after uptake for the production and release of gametes (‘income breeders’), whereas the second group accumulates and stores energy reserves for later reproduction (‘capital breeders’). Larvae of C. gigas and M. balthica were observed much earlier in the year than expected from previous occurrences and from formerly know threshold temperatures for spawning. These apparent changes in timing of spawning suggest that Pacific oysters and Baltic tellins have recently acclimated to new environmental conditions.

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