
The lack of knowledge among adolescents about reproductive health has made them become victims of sexual crimes, especially the females. School is one of the best socialization media for adolescents to overcome this problem through the addition of reproductive health subject in the curriculum. In Indonesia, there are two types of schools, namely public schools and private schools which have different education systems. Therefore, this paper wants to see the extent of the differences in reproductive health knowledge acquired by students of SMA Negeri 1 Delitua (general public senior high school) and SMA Swasta Harapan 3 Delitua (religious private senior high school). The results of this study indicate that there has been no difference in the level of reproductive health knowledge on students of private school and public school. This is discovered from the significant values of both schools. SMA Negeri 1 Delitua has value around 0.214 which is greater than 0.05 value. Meanwhile, SMA Swasta Harapan 3 has value of 0.209, which basically shows the same thing. These two schools also do not have significant differences in aspects of reproductive knowledge. Students get reproductive health knowledge from family, friends, girlfriends or boyfriends and social media. However, they acquire more information about reproductive health from social media because it is more comfortable for them and it does not make them feel embarrassed or insecure by their curiosity.

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