
Toxic effects of the water-accommodated fraction (WAF) of a natural gas condensate on the reproduction of the brooding coral Pocillopora damicornis were studied in short-term (24 h) laboratory experiments. Coral fragments were exposed to varying concentrations of condensate WAF during different reproductive phases: gametogenesis, early embryogenesis, and late embryogenesis (when nighttime planulation occurs). During gametogenesis, exposure to condensate WAF did not inhibit subsequent production of larvae. On the other hand, exposure to >25% WAF of gravid corals, at early and late embryogenesis, resulted in abortion and early release of larvae, respectively, with higher percentages of larvae expelled in fragments treated with higher concentrations of condensate WAF at least 3 h after onset of exposure. Aborted larvae during early embryogenesis were ‘premature’, as they are of small size (0.06±0.03 mm 3), low metamorphic competency (54%), and white in coloration, with a pale brown oral end (indicating low density of zooxanthellae). Those larvae released at the latter part of embryogenesis are bigger in size (0.22±0.08 mm 3), possess 100% metamorphic competency, and are brown in coloration (high density of zooxanthellae). Aside from direct effects on reproduction, fragment mortality index was higher in samples exposed to higher concentrations of condensate WAF (>25%), hence lowering the number of potentially reproducing polyps. Altogether, exposure to >25% natural gas condensate WAF for at least 3 h can potentially disrupt the replenishment of coral populations due to negative effects on reproduction and early life processes.

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