
AbstractFloral biology, sexual system, breeding system, pollinators, fruiting and seed dispersal aspects of five mangrove associate species, namely,Clerodendrum inerme,Derris trifoliata,Suaeda maritima, S. monoica, andS. nudiflorawere studied. All these species are hermaphroditic, self-compatible, and exhibit mixed breeding systems adapted for pollination by external agents.C. inermeandD. trifoliataare principally entomophilous, whileSuaedaspecies are ambophilous. The study suggests that these plant species are important constituents of mangrove forests.C. inermeandD. trifoliataare useful in stabilizing the banks of back water creeks, whileSuaedaspecies are useful to carpet the saline areas and desalinate the soils which are subsequently useful for agricultural activities.

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