
In filariases microfilariae play the key role for the transmis­ sion of the parasite and the development of pathology. Therefore, various aspects of the parasites' reproductive bio­ logy and population dynamics in the host are prime conside­ rations for the control of filiariases. Since microfilariae released from female worms are not discharged, but accu­ mulate and survive in the host for a considerable time, the reproduction of filarial worms is suggested to be regulated to a greater degree by intrinsic host factors. These may, howe­ ver, vary during the course of infection and depend on the response of the individual host. Since there is no pulmonary microfilarial reservoir in Onchocerca infections, different regulatory mechanisms are suggested for species with bloodand skin-dwelling microfilariae (Schulz-Key, 1988).

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