
The reproductive biology and ecology of a wild population of white-winged trumpeters (Psophia leucoptera) were studied in southeastern Peru from 1983 to 1987. Because little information is available about any of the trumpeter species and because trumpeters have proven difficult to breed in captivity, information relevant to breeding and management of captive trumpeters is reported in this paper. White-winged trumpeters lived in territorial social groups that ranged in size from four to 13 individuals. A typical territorial group contained three adult males, two adult females, and several sexually immature offspring, but smaller temporary groups sometimes formed for the duration of the breeding season. Only the dominant female contributed eggs to the clutch, and all adult males in the group competed to obtain copulations with her. Eggs were laid in elevated nesting cavities and no nest was constructed. The average clutch size was three eggs and incubation was not begun until the final egg was laid. The dominant male and female shared most of the incubation duties, but subordinate males covered approximately 15% of the incubation shifts. Eggs hatched approximately 27 days after incubation was begun and chicks left the nesting cavity the day after they hatched. Chicks were completely dependent on older birds to feed them for their first 3 weeks and then gradually began to feed themselves more and more food. The subordinate adult males fed chicks the most food, the dominant male and female and older offspring fed chicks an intermediate amount, and the subordinate adult female fed chicks the least. Young chicks behaved aggressively toward each other but were separated by adults before they injured each other. If at least one chick from the clutch survived, trumpeters did not breed again until the beginning of the next breeding season the following year. Zoo Biol 19:65–84, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

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