
Summary 1. Variation in resource allocation to egg size and number was investigated in seven sympatric species of Piophilidae that oviposit on carcasses or discarded cervid antlers: Liopiophila varipes (Meigen), Prochyliza xanthostoma Walker, Protopiophila latipes (Meigen), Protopiophila litigata Bonduriansky, Stearibia nigriceps (Meigen), and two unidentified species of Parapiophila McAlpine. 2. Following optimal reproductive allocation theory, relatively larger, fewer eggs were expected in (1) species that oviposit on antlers, where larvae probably experience lower risk of predation and greater competition than larvae in carcasses, and (2) species with aggressive males and male-biased sex ratios on the oviposition substrate, where risk of injury during oviposition may have favoured females laying fewer eggs. 3. Variation in reproductive allocation strategies could not be explained by known differences in larval or adult environment, but congeneric species clustered by reproductive allocation patterns. The Parapiophila species produced larger, fewer eggs than the other species, and egg number increased slowly with body size. The Protopiophila species did not deviate from expected egg sizes and numbers, and egg number increased steeply with body size. 4. An interspecific egg size–egg number trade-off resulted in a tight linear scaling of ovary volume to body size, suggesting common physiological constraints on relative ovary mass. 5. Within each species, egg size was nearly constant whereas egg number increased with female body size, suggesting species-specific stabilising selection on egg size.

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