
The article is devoted to revealing the peculiarities of the texture program performance reproduction of a musical work. Based on the consideration of the textural program as a sequence of changes in the musical performance during the process of developing the form of the work, the performer-pianist must build the appropriate means of performance: artistic and technical ones. An important role here belongs to the author and the editorial remarks, the content of which, however, is quite conditional and requires individual performance correction.
 The topicality of the chosen topic lies in the need for in-depth consideration of the problems of musical texture and its attributes in the piano-performance specification.
 The purpose of the research is to identify the performance component of the piano work textural program, to propose an algorithm for its analysis on a specific example of B. Liatoshynskyi’s cycle.
 The methodology: the article uses a set of general scientific and special musicological approaches for developing the content of the stated topic. Among them are the following methods: systematic and structural method, it is aimed at revealing the essence of the phenomenon of the musical work textured program; a deductive method, it determines the course of research in the direction from a general part (textural program of a musical work) to a special (specificity of textural performance during a piano work) and a specific one (textural programs of plays of the cycle by B. Liatoshynskyi); genre and stylistic types of analysis from the point of view of reproduction of these phenomena in textural programs; texture analysis as a kind of musicological analysis; performance analysis, which is aimed at identifying the features of the textural attributes of the work under consideration.
 The results of the study show that the process of a piano work performance in the direction of its full interpretation is inseparable from analytical observations on the texture program and its attributes. The set of analytical and performance-technical procedures has as its ultimate goal the act of performing a piano work, in which the composer’s intentions are reproduced by means of the individual style of the pianist.
 The novelty of this study is the extrapolation of ideas about the piano work textural program on the interpretive activities of the performer. Embodying own understanding of the textural process and its attributes in the interpretation, the performer demonstrates personal version of the work sound image, revealing the means of the drama and composition art features.
 The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using its provisions and conclusions in the courses “Musical Interpretation”, “Analysis of Musical Works”, “History of Piano Performance”, as well as in classes specializing in “piano” for bachelors and masters of the higher educational institutions of art and culture of Ukraine.
 Conclusions. Thus, the concept application of the piano work “texture program” in relation to the activities of the performer-interpreter raises a number of issues related to the means of the performance center: dynamics, articulation, agogics, in their vision by the musical composer and directly the performer. In this context, the identification and implementation of the piano work textured program gives the key to the disclosure of its ideological and artistic content, a clear understanding of the drama and form features, implemented in the act of performance.

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