
The Andean mountain region of Colombia has a high diversity of fish, with high number of endemic species. To promote their protection and conservation, the knowledge of their general and reproductive biology is necessary. With this aim, the reproductive biology of Saccodon dariensis, in the Peñoles and El Cardal creeks, Guatape River mid-basin, Magdalena River Basin, was studied, to determine reproductive differences between individuals with different oral polymorphism (morpho I vs. morpho IV, according to Roberts, 1974), and to define a possible spatial or temporal reproductive isolation. Ten field samplings were carried out between October 2007 and February 2012, in periods of rain (October and November 2007, May 2008 and November 2011), dry (January and March 2010, February 2012), transition from rain to dry (June 2011) and transition from dry to rain (March 2008 and September 2011). Samples were caught using electrofishing equipment and cast nets (10 mm between knots). A total of 468 specimens were analyzed, 268 of which were females and 200 males. The average catch size for the total number of individuals studied was 109.6 mm SL (65.5-174.0 mm), with 108.0 mm SL for females (67.7-174.0) and 111.9 mm SL (65.5-149.4) for males. Females predominated in the catches, and the sex ratio of 1.0:1.34 significantly deviated from the theoretical distribution 1:1. Similarly, morpho IV predominated in the catches, and morphs ratio was 1.00:1.48. Based on the monthly evolution of the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the proportion of mature specimens, the spawning season occurs during periods of transition from dry to rainy season when water level begins to raise. The lowest values of the condition factor that match the maximum values of GSI, indicates that this species accumulated body energy reserves that are used during the gonadal maturation and spawning. The mean size at sexual maturity (L50) was 88.8 mm SL in females and 109.3 mm SL in males. The fecundity of S. dariensis fluctuated between 1 137 and 39 303 (mean = 8 309, SD = 9 021) and the relative fecundity between 144 and 1 131 oocytes/g of total weight (mean = 439 ± 212). The diameter of the oocytes was 0.54 mm (SD = 0.07). Different development in oocytes was not observed, suggesting massive spawning. The coexistence of the two morphs, external fertilization and simultaneous occurrence of reproductive peaks found in this study did not provide support for a possible spatial or temporal reproductive isolation of morphotypes.


  • El éxito reproductivo de los peces depende de dónde y cuándo se reproducen y de los recursos asignados para la reproducción (Wootton, 1984), de manera que ésta debe suceder en el período del año en que se maximiza la producción de descendencia (Rondineli & Braga, 2010)

  • The Andean mountain region of Colombia has a high diversity of fish

  • Females predominated in the catches

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Localización y descripción del sitio de estudio: El trabajo se realizó en tres estaciones de la quebrada Peñoles (E1: 6°15’49.6’’ N - 75o05’06.4’’ W, 1 265 m.s.n.m.; E2: 6°16’04.4’’ N - 75o05’12.7’’ W, 1 246 m.s.n.m.; E3: 6°16’27.2’’ N - 75o05’23.7’’ W, 1 201 m.s.n.m.) y tres estaciones de la quebrada El Cardal (E1: 6°16’47.5’’ N - 74o56’27.4’’ W, 944 m.s.n.m.; E2: 6°16’37.5’’ N - 74o55’47.9’’ W, 940 m.s.n.m.; E3: 6o16’46.6” N - 74o55’24.6” W, 898 m.s.n.m.), afluentes del río Guatapé en los municipios de San Rafael y San Carlos, Antioquia, Colombia. Características del hábitat: La quebrada Peñoles presenta sustrato pedregoso, con pendiente inclinada y rocas de gran tamaño dentro y en su margen, con aguas frías que durante la época seca son cristalinas y en época de lluvias turbias y corrientosas. El sitio E2 se encuentra en la parte media de la quebrada y en sus riberas predomina la vegetación nativa, y el punto E3 se ubica 200 m antes de la desembocadura en el río Guatapé, en ambas riberas el uso del suelo predominante es de pastos para ganadería. CUADRO 1 Valores promedio de los parámetros físicoquímicos del agua para las diferentes estaciones de muestreo en las quebradas Peñoles y El Cardal, en la parte media del río Guatapé, Oriente antioqueño, Colombia. Variable Estación Temperatura agua (°C) Oxígeno disuelto (mg/L) Saturación de oxígeno (%) Conductividad (μS/cm) Sólidos totales disueltos pH Ancho (m)

Quebrada El Cardal
Hembras Machos Total Morfo I IV
Morfo I Morfo IV
Morfo IV
Descripción macroscópica
Hembras Machos
Morfo IV Morfo I
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