
Details of the reproductive endocrinology of the dibbler, Parantechinus apicalis, an endangered member of the Family Dasyuridae, are presented from two geographically-separated populations, living either on the mainland or on islands in Jurien Bay, Western Australia. Plasma free cortisol in males measured in the island population during 1998/9 did not differ between the breeding and non-breeding season, but during the March rut in 2000, when males died after breeding, free cortisol levels were significantly raised. Post-mating mortality in dibbler males is facultative, rather than obligatory and the cortisol data implicate the same physiological sequelae described in other dasyurids. In females, a single annual oestrus was recorded during late summer to autumn in both populations with an onset earlier by 12days in the mainland animals. Faecal steroids excreted as progesterone metabolites (PM) and oestradiol-17β were measured during the annual oestrous period and showed significantly higher PM concentrations in island animals. Oestradiol, although raised, was not different between the two populations. A profile of PM levels throughout gestation revealed a small peak at the time of ovulation, followed by slowly rising levels to peak 8days before birth, indicating slow development of the corpora lutea. Using collective data, the presumptive day of ovulation could be identified, allowing the calculation of a presumptive gestation length of 45days in dibblers from mainland populations. This gestation length compares with that of a related species, Pseudantechinus macdonnellensis, reported at 45–55days. A surprising finding is the significantly shorter gestation period of approximately 38days in island animals compared with those from the mainland. This and other differences between reproductive parameters of island and mainland populations are discussed in the context of the ‘island syndrome’.

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